Vama Veche in top 5 destinatii la Marea Neagra

Ziarul britanic The Guardian a facut un top 5 al destinatiilor la Marea Neagra. Pe locul 3 in top se afla Vama Veche, fiind si singura statiune de pe litoralul romanesc prezenta in top. Surprinzator, jurnalistii au preferat o statiune boema, cum o numesc ei, in locul fitzosagurilor de la Mamaia. In top se mai afla 2 statiuni ucrainiene, una bulgareasca si una turceasca. Iata descrierea facuta in The Guardian...

"This small Romanian village close to the Bulgarian border has been a counter-cultural oasis since the days of communism when it was (somewhat uncharacteristically) tolerated by Ceausescu as a hangout for intellectuals. Its famous beach is still something of a bohemian enclave, where tents and makeshift bars are erected on the sand and there are impromptu gigs at weekends. Most visitors camp on the beach, for a roof over your head, try the Punk Rock Hotel (, doubles from €25)."

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